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9560 Re: iよむべえ 1.4でのライブ読み上げ





    Blind Bargain s Audio: Technology, Interviews, and more (#CSUN15 Audio: Real-time iOS OCR from Amedia):
In this interview, Rena Takiguchi, International Sales and Purchasing Representative for Amedia,gives us a quick look at the iYomube app for OCR on iOS. This app is meant to be used with streett signs and the like, and can also be used to OCR standard printed pages. You can get the app for $29 in the app store, and you can visit the Amedia website to learn more about Amedia's products. 

Be sure to check our audio page for more exhibit hall coverage, and check out our new weekly podcast for news and features about technology and beyond. Blind Bargains audio coverage of CSUN 2015 is generously sponsored by the American Foundation for the Blind. Enjoy our Podcasts? You can help us out by taking this very short survey.



Created by misono, aa-owner [AtMark]