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9246 Re: リモートで視覚障害者の目になれるボランティアiOSアプリ「Be My Eyes」(無題)


Yoshimiさん wrote
> 個人的には、言語以外にも、性別を選べる機能があればいいなと思ったりしました。

AppleVis Podcast (AppleVis Extra #26: Hans Wiberg, Creator of Be My Eyes):

In this edition of the AppleVis Extra,  Michael Hansen and Thomas Domville talk with Hans Wiberg, creator of Be My Eyes.

Launched internationally on 15th January 2015, the Be My Eyes app allows blind iOS users to connect with sighted volunteers via live video chat to ask questions about objects or situations that they have encountered.

Hans provides some background to Be My Eyes, discusses the response to the app since its launch, and answers some of the questions which have been raised by users over the past week.

Be My Eyes - helping blind see is free to downloadand currently free to use.


Created by misono, aa-owner [AtMark]